Photo courtesy U.S Navy
Leap Frogs Over
Homestead, Florida
| published March 2, 2016 |
By Thursday Review staff
In this dramatic high altitude photo, members of the U.S. Navy’s Special Warfare Operations Squadron , also known as The Leap Frogs, glide to the ground high above Homestead Air Force Base in South Florida. The base’s buildings and runways are visible in the photo, taken by U.S. Navy Parachute demonstration team member Trevor Thompson as he flies an American flag during his descent to Earth.
The Leap Frogs are based in San Diego, California, but perform at military events all over North America. Members of the team are drawn from several components of the Navy’s Special Warfare units, including Navy Seals, SWCC units (Special Warfare Combatant-Craft Crewmen), and a variety of support personnel. The team has plans to perform at a Philadelphia Phillies baseball game on April 11, at a Navy Week event in Knoxville, Tennessee April 13-16, and for the opening of a San Diego Padres baseball game on April 17.
Related Thursday Review articles:
Flag, Flying High; Thursday Review staff; Thursday Review; February 19, 2016.