Donald Trump Explores Candidacy 2016

Donald Trump

Image courtesy of NBC/Universal

Donald Trump Explores Candidacy 2016
| published March 19, 2015 |

By Thursday Review staff
Thursday Review

Businessman, financier, and television personality Donald Trump announced this week that he will form an exploratory committee for a possible run for the Presidency in 2016.

Trump has not filed any official paperwork, nor has he formed a political action committee (PAC) for the purposes of fundraising and spending, but the formation of a presidential exploratory committee is generally regarded as the sign that a potential candidate has moved from the “considering” phase into the genuine process of organizing. Trump may soon hire staff and secure the help of pollsters.

Donald Trump, a Republican often critical of President Barack Obama, has long discussed the possibility of a run for President, though no campaign has ever materialized. He hinted at a run between 2010 and 2011, but talk of his candidacy back then did not generate enthusiasm from some in the GOP.

The TV personality and businessman recently told reporters that he did not intend to remain with NBC after the end of his current contract for the reality show “The Apprentice,” a program which he has helmed for several years and through several successful seasons.

Trump told reporters that he has already hired the appropriate political operatives in several states, including Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina. Trump released a statement this week telling journalists that of the various Republican candidates now in the running, he (Trump) was “the only one who can make America truly great again.”

Analysts say that although some Republicans are skeptical of a Trump candidacy ever gaining traction, the wealthy investor and multi-millionaire (he’s not quite a billionaire) can easily pay for much of his early campaign activities, and will not have to rely on the financial assistance of the major GOP donors. To participate in early Republican debates, Trump would have to receive poll numbers above a specific threshold designated by the participating networks and the GOP.

Trump joins an increasingly crowded GOP race which already includes former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul, Texas Senator Ted Cruz, South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, and pediatric neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson. Carson announced his intention to explore a Presidential run earlier in March.

Related Thursday Review articles:

Chris Christie’s Negative Baggage; Thursday Review staff; Thursday Review; March 18, 2015.

Ben Carson Enters GOP Contest for 2016; R. Alan Clanton; Thursday Review; March 14, 2015.