Underwater Photography, U.S. Navy
| published October 31, 2014 |
By Thursday Review staff
Photography under water requires a combination of two skill sets—each unique and largely without simple overlap. The U.S. Navy requires that some of its personnel have advanced training in both arenas for a variety of critical purposes, including maintenance of naval equipment and vessels, as well as damage assessment, reconnaissance, and combat readiness. In this photo, taken two weeks ago near San Diego, California, a U.S. Navy diver trains in the art and craft of underwater photography—advanced training which is conducted at least twice per year. This diver is a member of the Underwater Photo Team, or UPT, and is assigned to Fleet Combat Camera, Pacific. The photograph was taken by Mass Communications Specialist 2nd Class Nicholas Tenorio.
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Wreck Diving, U.S. Navy Style; Thursday Review staff; Thursday Review; September 6, 2014.